Simple Alert Dialog In Swift For Macos

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Aug 05, 2016 Alert dialog is a simple view that pops up in the app to show some alerts to user. You can see a simple alert in the below image. And in this iOS Show Alert Tutorial we will be learning how we can implement the same using Xcode and Swift. For a simple alert what we just did is sufficient. Note that when an alert is presented, it’s using the app’s icon on the left of the displayed content. As there is no custom icon in the app, the default one provided when Xcode generates the project will be used. All we have left now is to present it. Let’s show it as a sheet dialog. Oct 24, 2017  Home » Blog » App Development » How To: Displaying Alerts With UIAlertController In Swift. How To: Displaying Alerts With UIAlertController In Swift Written by Reinder de Vries on October 24 2017 in App Development. In this article, you’ll learn how to use the UIAlertController class to display alert dialogs to the user of your iOS app. We’ll dive into setting up the alerts, responding. Aug 05, 2016  Alert dialog is a simple view that pops up in the app to show some alerts to user. You can see a simple alert in the below image. And in this iOS Show Alert Tutorial we will be learning how we can implement the same using Xcode and Swift.

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A Dialog is small window that prompts the user to a decision or enter additional information.

Some times in your application, if you wanted to ask the user about taking a decision between yes or no in response of any particular action taken by the user, by remaining in the same activity and without changing the screen, you can use Alert Dialog.

Simple Alert Dialog In Swift For Macos Mac

In order to make an alert dialog, you need to make an object of AlertDialogBuilder which an inner class of AlertDialog. Its syntax is given below

Now you have to set the positive (yes) or negative (no) button using the object of the AlertDialogBuilder class. Its syntax is

Apart from this , you can use other functions provided by the builder class to customize the alert dialog. These are listed below

Sr.NoMethod type & description

setIcon(Drawable icon)

This method set the icon of the alert dialog box.


setCancelable(boolean cancel able)

This method sets the property that the dialog can be cancelled or not


setMessage(CharSequence message)

This method sets the message to be displayed in the alert dialog


setMultiChoiceItems(CharSequence[] items, boolean[] checkedItems, DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener listener)

This method sets list of items to be displayed in the dialog as the content. The selected option will be notified by the listener


setOnCancelListener(DialogInterface.OnCancelListener onCancelListener)

This method Sets the callback that will be called if the dialog is cancelled.


setTitle(CharSequence title)

This method set the title to be appear in the dialog

After creating and setting the dialog builder , you will create an alert dialog by calling the create() method of the builder class. Its syntax is

This will create the alert dialog and will show it on the screen.

Dialog fragment

Before enter into an example we should need to know dialog fragment.Dialog fragment is a fragment which can show fragment in dialog box

List dialog

It has used to show list of items in a dialog box.For suppose, user need to select a list of items or else need to click a item from multiple list of items.At this situation we can use list dialog.

Single-choice list dialog

It has used to add single choice list to Dialog box.We can check or uncheck as per user choice.


The following example demonstrates the use of AlertDialog in android.

To experiment with this example , you need to run this on an emulator or an actual device.

1You will use Android studio to create an Android application and name it as My Application under a package com.example.sairamkrishna.myapplication.
2Modify src/ file to add alert dialog code to launch the dialog.
3Modify layout XML file res/layout/activity_main.xml add any GUI component if required.
4No need to change default string constants. Android studio takes care of default strings at values/string.xml
5Run the application and choose a running android device and install the application on it and verify the results.

Here is the modified code of src/

Here is the modified code of res/layout/activity_main.xml

In the below code abc indicates the logo of

Here is ofStrings.xml

Here is the default code of AndroidManifest.xml

Let's try to run your application. I assume you have connected your actual Android Mobile device with your computer. To run the app from Android studio, open one of your project's activity files and click Run icon from the toolbar. Before starting your application, ]Android studio will display following window to select an option where you want to run your Android application.

Select your an option and then click on it. For suppose, if you have clicked on yes button, then result would as follows

if you click on no button it will call finish() and it will close your application.


An alert appears when the system or an app needs to warn the user about an error condition, or a potentially hazardous situation or consequence. An alert is modal within an app unless it pertains to a single document or window, in which case it’s displayed as a sheet.

An alert may include the following elements:

MessageA short summary of the error or condition that summoned the alert. All alerts include a message.
Informative textA complete description of the situation, its consequences, and ways in which users can address the situation. Informative text is optional but encouraged.
Response buttonsAn alert can include up to three buttons, one of which can be set as the default button, for canceling the alert or taking action.
IconThe system automatically shows your app icon on an alert. Custom icons are also supported. A caution symbol can be appended to the icon in alerts that require extra attention.
Suppression checkboxRepeating alerts can be configured to let the user suppress subsequent occurrences of the same alert.
Accessory viewIf your app calls for it, a custom view can be appended to an alert to provide additional information.
Help buttonIf your app offers Help documentation, you can include a Help button in your alert that takes the user to the documentation.

Minimize alerts. Alerts disrupt the user experience and should only be used in important situations like confirming purchases and destructive actions (such as deletions), or notifying people about problems. The infrequency of alerts helps ensure that people take them seriously.

Ensure that each alert offers critical information and useful choices. Alerts should warn people about an operation that can't be undone, and provide buttons that let users either proceed with the operation, or cancel, if they have changed their mind.

Avoid using an alert merely to provide information. Users don’t appreciate being interrupted by alerts that are informative, but not actionable. Instead of displaying an informational alert, consider other ways of presenting the information. For example, when a Mail server connection has been lost, Mail displays a warning indicator in the sidebar. Users can click the warning indicator if they want more information about the situation.

Use standard alerts. Users are familiar with the standard, system-provided alert style and understand its importance. Alert information presented in custom or nonstandard ways can be confusing and is less likely to be taken seriously.

Avoid displaying alerts for common, undoable actions, even when they’re destructive. Users don’t need to be alerted to potential data loss every time they delete an email or file. Actions like these are taken with the intention of discarding data and can be undone. On the other hand, an uncommon destructive action that can’t be undone should produce an alert in case the user didn’t intend to take the action.

Use the caution symbol sparingly. Overuse of the caution symbol in an alert diminishes its significance. Use the symbol only when extra attention is truly required, such as to confirm an action that might result in inadvertent or unexpected loss of data. Don’t use the icon for tasks whose only purpose is to overwrite or remove data, such as a save or empty trash.

Consider including an option to suppress future alerts of the same type. Users appreciate the ability to prevent future alerts from appearing for the same reason. For example, the user may be comfortable clearing their history without seeing repeated warnings. If you allow alert suppression, be sure to provide a way to reenable the alerts again, such as via a Show Warnings option in the View menu.

For developer guidance, see NSAlert.

Alert Text

Simple Alert Dialog In Swift For Macos Download

Provide a message that describes the situation clearly and succinctly. A message like “An error occurred” is mystifying and likely to annoy people. Be complete and specific, without being verbose. When possible, identify the error that occurred, the document or file it occurred in, and why it occurred.

Consider phrasing a message as a question when the default action has negative consequences. For example, a question such as “Are you sure you want to clear the history?” pinpoints the action that produced the alert and encourages the user to consider the results. Don’t overuse this type of alert, however. Users tire quickly of being asked if they’re sure they want to do something.

Supplement your alert message with informative text. Use informative text to expand on the message text by elaborating on consequences and suggesting a solution or alternative. Give as much information as necessary to explain why the user should care about the situation. When appropriate, remind users when an action can't be undone. Whenever possible, suggest how to fix a problem. For example, when the Finder can’t use the user’s input to rename a file, it tells them to try using fewer characters or avoid including punctuation marks.

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Avoid sounding accusatory, judgmental, or insulting. People know that alerts notify them about problems and dangerous situations. As long as you use a friendly tone, it’s better to be negative and direct than positive and oblique. Avoid pronouns such as you, your, me, and my, which are sometimes interpreted as insulting or patronizing.

Avoid explaining alert buttons. If your alert text and button titles are clear, there should be no need to explain what the buttons do. In rare cases where you must provide guidance, preserve capitalization when referencing buttons, and don’t enclose button titles in quotes.

Alert Buttons

Generally, use two-button alerts. Two-button alerts provide an easy choice between two alternatives. Single-button alerts inform, but give no control over the situation. Alerts with three or more buttons create complexity.

Simple Alert Dialog In Swift For Macos Windows 7

Give alert buttons succinct, logical titles. The best button titles consist of one or two words that describe the result of clicking the button. As with all button titles, use title-style capitalization and no ending punctuation. To the extent possible, use verbs and verb phrases that relate directly to the alert title and message—for example, View All, Reply, or Ignore. Use OK for simple acceptance. Avoid using Yes and No.

Ensure that the default button title reflects the action the button performs. Avoid using OK for the default button unless the alert is purely informational. The meaning of OK can be unclear even in alerts that ask if the user is sure they want to do something. For example, does OK mean “OK, I want to complete the action” or “OK, I now understand the negative results my action would have caused”? A specific button title like Erase, Convert, Clear, or Delete helps the user understand the action they’re taking.

Place buttons where people expect them. In general, the button people are most likely to choose should be on the right. The default button should always be on the right. Cancel buttons are typically on the left.

Label cancellation buttons appropriately. A button that cancels an alert’s action should always be labeled Cancel.

Include a Cancel button when there’s a destructive button.Virtualbox best performance setting for macos. A Cancel button provides a clear, safe way to opt out of a destructive action. Consider making the Cancel button the default button, because doing so requires the user to intentionally click a button to continue with the destructive action.

Simple Alert Dialog In Swift For Macos Windows 10

Allow the Esc (Escape) key and Command-Period (.) keyboard shortcut to cancel alerts. Pressing Esc or Command-Period while an alert is visible should produce the same effect as clicking the Cancel button—that is, the alert is dismissed without performing any action. If your alert doesn’t have a Cancel button, consider implementing a cancel action in your code that runs when Esc or Command-Period is pressed.

Simple Alert Dialog In Swift For Macos Free

Consider offering time-saving keyboard shortcuts for all buttons. For example, you could let people activate a Print button by pressing the P key, or a Don't Save button by pressing the D or Delete key.