What Is Macos Recovery Used For

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This article is intended for enterprise and education network administrators.

Apple products require access to the Internet hosts in this article for a variety of services. Here's how your devices connect to hosts and work with proxies:

  • Network connections to the hosts below are initiated by the device, not by hosts operated by Apple.
  • Apple services will fail any connection that uses HTTPS Interception (SSL Inspection). If the HTTPS traffic traverses a web proxy, disable HTTPS Interception for the hosts listed in this article.

Make sure your Apple devices can access the hosts listed below.

Macos recovery hd

Apple Push Notifications

Jul 26, 2019 Apple's tool for reinstalling macOS on devices without using local media is a fail-safe function that allows admins to reinstall or upgrade the OS. It's the first step to recovery during deployment. When done in Recovery mode, run the following from the Terminal in Recovery mode: nvram -d recovery-boot-mode This deletes the firmware variable so that the next boot is a normal boot. If Recovery boot fails and you cannot progress, you could also remove the firmware variable by holding down the keys Command, Option, P, and R during boot. Dec 08, 2019  How to reinstall macOS while in Recovery mode; Entering macOS Recovery. MacOS Recovery has tools at its disposal that allow you to diagnose problems with your Mac's hard drive, reinstall macOS, and restore from a Time Machine backup. You can enter Recovery by pressing certain key combinations. The combination you choose will determine which. The key to using macOS Recovery is to restart your Mac in a particular way. You boot up the Mac into this recovery mode, and you will probably do it at least a couple of times as you sort out.

Learn how to troubleshoot connecting to the Apple Push Notification service (APNs). For devices that send all traffic through an HTTP proxy, you can configure the proxy either manually on the device or with a configuration profile. Beginning with macOS 10.15.5, devices can connect to APNs when configured to use the HTTP proxy with a proxy auto-config (PAC) file.

Device setup

Macos terminal close app. Access to the following hosts might be required when setting up your device, or when installing, updating or restoring the operating system.

HostsPortsProtocolOSDescriptionSupports proxies
albert.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSYes
captive.apple.com443, 80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSInternet connectivity validation for networks that use captive portals.Yes
gs.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSYes
humb.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSYes
static.ips.apple.com443, 80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSYes
tbsc.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlyYes
time-ios.apple.com123UDPiOS and tvOS onlyUsed by devices to set their date and time
time.apple.com123UDPiOS, tvOS, and macOSUsed by devices to set their date and time
time-macos.apple.com123UDPmacOS onlyUsed by devices to set their date and time

Device Management

Network access to the following hosts might be required for devices enrolled in Mobile Device Management (MDM):

HostsPortsProtocolOSDescriptionSupports proxies
*.push.apple.com443, 80, 5223, 2197TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSPush notificationsLearn more about APNs and proxies.
gdmf.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSMDM server to identify which software updates are available to devices that use managed software updates.Yes
deviceenrollment.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSDEP provisional enrollment.
deviceservices-external.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOS
identity.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSAPNs certificate request portal.Yes
iprofiles.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSHosts enrollment profiles used when devices enroll in Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager through Device EnrollmentYes
mdmenrollment.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSMDM servers to upload enrollment profiles used by clients enrolling through Device Enrollment in Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager, and to look up devices and accounts.Yes
setup.icloud.com443TCPiOS onlyRequired to log in with a Managed Apple ID on Shared iPad.
vpp.itunes.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSMDM servers to perform operations related to Apps and Books, like assigning or revoking licenses on a device.Yes

Software updates

Make sure you can access the following ports for updating macOS, apps from the Mac App Store, and for using content caching.

macOS, iOS, and tvOS

Network access to the following hostnames are required for installing, restoring, and updating macOS, iOS, and tvOS:

HostsPortsProtocolOSDescriptionSupports proxies
appldnld.apple.com80TCPiOS onlyiOS updates
gg.apple.com443, 80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSiOS, tvOS, and macOS updatesYes
gnf-mdn.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlymacOS updatesYes
gnf-mr.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlymacOS updatesYes
gs.apple.com443, 80TCPmacOS onlymacOS updatesYes
ig.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlymacOS updatesYes
mesu.apple.com443, 80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSHosts software update catalogs
ns.itunes.apple.com443TCPiOS onlyYes
oscdn.apple.com443, 80TCPmacOS onlymacOS Recovery
osrecovery.apple.com443, 80TCPmacOS onlymacOS Recovery
skl.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlymacOS updates
swcdn.apple.com80TCPmacOS onlymacOS updates
swdist.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlymacOS updates
swdownload.apple.com443, 80TCPmacOS onlymacOS updatesYes
swpost.apple.com80TCPmacOS onlymacOS updatesYes
swscan.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlymacOS updates
updates-http.cdn-apple.com80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOS
updates.cdn-apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOS
xp.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSYes

App Store

Access to the following hosts might be required for updating apps:

What Is Macos Recovery Used For Iphone

HostsPortsProtocolOSDescriptionSupports proxies
*.itunes.apple.com443, 80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSStore content such as apps, books, and musicYes
*.apps.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSStore content such as apps, books, and musicYes
*.mzstatic.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSStore content such as apps, books, and music
itunes.apple.com443, 80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSYes
ppq.apple.com443TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSEnterprise App validation

Content caching

Access to the following host is required for a Mac that uses macOS content caching:

HostsPortsProtocolOSDescriptionSupports proxies
lcdn-registration.apple.com443TCPmacOS onlyContent caching server registrationYes

App notarization

Starting with macOS 10.14.5, software is checked for notarization before it will run. In order for this check to succeed, a Mac must be able to access the same hosts listed in the Ensure Your Build Server Has Network Access section of Customizing the Notarization Workflow:

HostsPortsProtocolOSDescriptionSupports proxies onlyTicket delivery onlyTicket delivery onlyTicket delivery

Certificate validation

Apple devices must be able to connect to the following hosts to validate digital certificates used by the hosts listed above:

HostsPortsProtocolOSDescriptionSupports proxies
crl.apple.com80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation
crl.entrust.net80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation
crl3.digicert.com80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation
crl4.digicert.com80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation
ocsp.apple.com80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation
ocsp.digicert.com80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation
ocsp.entrust.net80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation
ocsp.verisign.net80TCPiOS, tvOS, and macOSCertificate validation


If your firewall supports using hostnames, you may be able to use most Apple services above by allowing outbound connections to *.apple.com. If your firewall can only be configured with IP addresses, allow outbound connections to The entire address block is assigned to Apple.

HTTP proxy

You can use Apple services through a proxy if you disable packet inspection and authentication for traffic to and from the listed hosts. Exceptions to this are noted above. Attempts to perform content inspection on encrypted communications between Apple devices and services will result in a dropped connection to preserve platform security and user privacy.

  • See a list of TCP and UDP ports used by Apple software products.
  • Find out which ports are used by Profile Manager in macOS Server.
  • Learn about macOS, iOS, and iTunes server host connections and iTunes background processes.
  • Customize the Notarization Workflow.

What Is Macos Recovery Used For Iphone

If you've encountered a problem with macOS, the solution might be to reinstall the system on your Mac. This can be done by any Mac owner, but it can be a little bit complicated. You'll need to put your Mac into macOS Recovery, which gives you tools to diagnose problems on your Mac, as well as reinstall the operating system.

Here's how to reinstall macOS using Recovery mode.

Entering macOS Recovery

macOS Recovery has tools at its disposal that allow you to diagnose problems with your Mac's hard drive, reinstall macOS, and restore from a Time Machine backup. You can enter Recovery by pressing certain key combinations. The combination you choose will determine which version of macOS will be installed on your system when you select Reinstall macOS.

  • Press Command - R to install the latest version of macOS that was installed on your Mac without installing a later version.
  • Press Options - Command - R to upgrade to the latest version of macOS that's compatible with your Mac.
  • Press Shift - Option - Command - R to install the version of macOS that came with your Mac, or the version closest to it that's still available.

How to check your startup disk with Disk Utility in macOS Recovery mode

The first thing you'll want to do is make sure your Mac's startup disk is healthy. You'll need to use Disk Utility to do that.

  1. Click Disk Utility when in macOS Recovery.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. Click on your Mac's startup drive in the Disk Utility sidebar. It should be the drive at the top of the sidebar if there are multiple drives.
  4. Click First Aid.
  5. Click Run. First Aid will run, checking the health of your Mac's drive. This process could take a little while.
  6. Click Done.
  7. Click Disk Utility in the Menu bar.
  8. Click Quit Disk Utility.

How to erase your startup disk in macOS Recovery mode

If you need to start completely fresh, then you'll want to erase your startup disk using Disk Utility. If you want the content on your Mac to stay intact, skip to the next section.

What Is Macos Recovery Used For Computer

  1. Click on your startup disk in the Disk Utility sidebar.
  2. Click Erase.
  3. Click the Format drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the format you want to use for your drive. If you're running macOS High Sierra or later on a Mac with an SSD, your choices will be some form of APFS.
  5. Click Erase. Your drive will proceed to be erased.

How to reinstall macOS while in Recovery mode

The next step is to reinstall macOS.

What Is Macos Recovery Used For Sale

  1. Click Reinstall macOS.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Click Agree.
  5. Click Agree.
  6. Click on the drive on which you wish to install macOS.
  7. Enter your Apple ID and password if you're asked to, though you might not be.
  8. Click Install.

Your Mac will now go through the normal macOS installation process, eventually restarting. If you're starting from scratch, you'll need to set up your Mac from scratch.


If you have any more questions about reinstalling macOS on your Mac, let us know in the comments.

Updated December 2019: Everything is up to date through macOS Catalina.

macOS Catalina


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What Is Macos Recovery Used For Windows

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