Ms Office 2008 For Mac Yosemite

Ms Office 2008 For Mac Yosemite Average ratng: 7,8/10 8841 reviews

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Office 2004 for Mac is a version of Microsoft Office developed for Mac OS X.It is equivalent to Office 2003 for Windows. The software was originally written for PowerPC Macs, so Macs with Intel CPUs must run the program under Mac OS X's Rosetta emulation layer. For this reason, it is not compatible with Mac OS X 10.7 and newer. Office 2004 was replaced by its successor, Microsoft Office 2008.

This document explains how to reset and back up Office 2008

  • May 31, 2009  If user is having problem with font then delete 'Office Font Cache (12)', located in the same folder as Microsoft Office 2008 Settings.plist. Office is now successfully reset. If all is well, trash the old file otherwise, quit all Office apps again, trash the new files and drag the original files back to where they belong.
  • File: macosxmsofficenov2010.nasl - Type: ACTGATHERINFO 2010-10-20 Name: An application installed on the remote Mac OS X host is affected by multiple.
  1. Ensure all Office applications are closed.
  2. Navigate to ~User/Library/Preferences folder and drag all the files to desktop that starts with (xxx=name of Office app)

  3. Additionally delete/Move following files:
    • Application/Microsoft Office 2008/Office/OfficePID.plist
    • ~ User/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Office 2008/Microsoft Office 2008 Settings.plist
  4. The user will be prompted to re-enter the product key the next time Word is used.
  5. If user is having problem with font then delete 'Office Font Cache (12)', located in the same folder as Microsoft Office 2008 Settings.plist.
  6. Office is now successfully reset.
  7. If all is well, trash the old file otherwise, quit all Office apps again, trash the new files and drag the original files back to where they belong.
Additional information on troubleshooting Microsoft Office fonts can be found here.


How to enable automatic save in Microsoft Office 2008?

  1. Open Microsoft Word (or any other Office App).
  2. Hold Command and Comma key.
  3. System Preferences window would open.

  4. In System Preferences > Save > enable 'Always create a backup copy' and 'Save AutoRecover info every 2 Min'.

Template Backups


When newly blank document crashes, it is possible the problem persists in normal.dotm. Try renaming the existing normal.dotm to oldnormal.dotm and reopen word to recreate a new normal.dotm.

The location for normal.dotm are as follows:
  • Office 2008: ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates/Normal.dotm
  • Word 2004: ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Normal
  • Word X, Word 2001, Word 98: /Applications/Microsoft Office ***/Templates/Normal (where *** stands for your version of Office)

If by chance the normal.dotm location is changed, the normal.dotm can be located by opening Microsoft Office Word>Preferences>File Locations> dialog to confirm its location.

If the old normal.dotm is corrupt and there are customizations in old Normal that you don't want to lose – such as macros, AutoText, custom toolbars, and styles – you can transfer them from OldNormal to your new Normal using Organizer.

Restore customization from old Normal to new Normal

  1. Open Word
  2. Use File>Open to navigate to the template location noted above.
  3. Change the Show drop-down list to Word Templates.

  4. Choose Normal or Normal.dotm and click Open.

  5. Title Bar at the top of the Word window must show 'Normal' otherwise, repeat from step 1.

  6. Click on Tools>Templates and Add-ins dialog, click the Organizer button.

  7. Just below the left window, Organizer should be showing Styles available In: Normal (global template) Otherwise you've got the wrong one open. Start again from step 1.

  8. The right window of the Organizer should be blank. There is a Close File button below the left-hand window, and a Close File button below the right-hand window. Click the button on the right.

  9. You should now be able to see your old Normal Template in the directory; if you cannot, search until you find it. Choose it, and Open it.

  10. At the top of the Organizer dialog, above both windows, there is a row of tabs, one for each kind of resource the Organizer can copy. Click the tab for the kind of item you want to bring back. Let’s assume you want to bring your styles back: Click the Styles tab.

  11. Organizer now shows you a list of the items available within each kind (if you clicked the Styles tab in the previous step, you see a list of the styles in each template). The left window lists the items in your new template, the right window lists the items in the old template. In the right-hand window, choose the item(s) you want to restore. You can select more than one.

  12. Click copy
  13. Repeat for each additional kind of resource you wish to copy.
  14. Click Close File under both windows.
  15. Hold down your Shift key and choose Save All from the File menu. Save All does not appear unless you hold down your shift key.
  16. Quit Word and restart it (to force it to update its preferences).
  17. All the settings should be transfered.

Keywords:Microsoft Office 2008, Reset, MacSuggest keywordsDoc ID:10168
Owner:Jeff W.Group:DoIT Help Desk
Created:2009-05-31 19:00 CDTUpdated:2019-08-21 13:20 CDT
Sites:DoIT Help Desk
Feedback:1012CommentSuggest a new document

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008 32 comments Create New Account
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A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008

Is 'Office 2008 apps start and run even slower than 2004 apps, even though they don't have to run under Rosetta anymore' on the list?

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008

What about all the Exchange features promised for Entourage 2004 that still have not been implemented in E-Rage 2008?

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008

As reported on since last year, the biggest problem (and 100% deal-breaker for us) is the lack of *any* VBA support for Excel in Mac Office 2008.
So there will never be any cross-platform scripting solution: Macs would have to use AppleScript/Automator, while Windows users can still use VBA. Try to share your AppleScripted spreadsheets with PC users? Nope. Use the VBA spreadsheets on your Mac? Nope. Only alternative is develop *TWO* entirely different scripting solutions.
Any of your company's critical spreadsheets that use VBA? Sorry, Mac users, no way to use them (except running Parallels/WinXP/Office2007 on Windows).
This alone pretty much renders Mac Office 2008 as *NSFW* (Not Safe For Productive Work).
Why can't MS instead use something like JavaScript? It works great for InDesign and Acrobat, and Adobe even includes *three* scripting options: AppleScript, JavaScript, and Visual Basic. Cross-platform scripting CAN be made to work, if you want to.
OpenOffice/NeoOffice is promising VBA support soon, amazing how they can offer it but MS can't, with all their professional MacBU developers.
But you do get nice Gallery eye-candy, so Mac Office 2008 is not a total loss!
Madness takes its toll.
Please have exact change.

Issues with Microsoft Office, whatever version, is the norm. But the loss of VBA support makes Office 2008 unusable for me and no doubt many others in the Mac-based publishing industry whose productivity relies on myriad macros to prep manuscripts, edit them, and code them for typesetting.

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A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008

Why bother so much about x-plat scripting. Frankly I see no good reason to use Excel anymore. I prefer NeoOffice and the 'Spreadsheet' is cool, has options for NeoOffice Basic (compatible with Microsaft Office), Python and JavaScript (compatible with OpenOffice). the only difference with Office and Neo is Entourage. I prefer Mail (I know it has shortcomings, I like to read and write mail, with good spotlight searches and is perfect for it). iCal does my job for calendars and Addressbook is perfect for all my needs to keep my phone numbers synced with my Moto Rizr, and all everything related to contacts.
Frankly if I were to spend about $300 (either up or down), I would give it to the NeoOffice folks and you bet they could use the money to produce better software and make it available free to all. Wot say you all?

Word also has an issue with quitting, apparently when it tries to write the Normal file that saves defaults. MacFixit has described it in more detail. Installed on my iMac, it pops off a bug report to Microsoft every time I quit and sometimes gets lost in a spinning rainbow wheel and has to be force quit.
Installed on my MacBook under the three installations license, it works fine. I've tried every fix for the iMac's problems I could find to no avail. I suspect it's related to the fact that on my iMac, the demo version of Word 2004 loaded several times, creating the files Word creates when it first runs. On my MacBook that demo version of Word was never run, so those files didn't exist. Microsoft seems to know that an older application can cause problems, but their deinstallation portion of the new installation apparently doesn't clean out everything it should.
Starting Word seems to go OK, and in the few days I've used it, I've had no problem editing and saving files using the new and much more attractive interface. Just be advised that Word loads much more slowly than Excel and Powerpoint. Very slowly.
The main problem with packaging and releasing applications as a suite is that, given the nature of deadlines, in any suite there's going to be one 'runt' in the litter, one application that was most buggy and least ready when the release date arrived. Unfortunately, for Office 2008, that application seems to be the most used one, Word.

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008
Apparently Office 2008 also installs all files as being owned by UID 502, whether such a user exists or not on your system. If UID 502 does exist, and is not an admin, then they have privileges for all things Office-related.
More here:

Can anyone comment on EndNote compatibility?
For many people (like me), the main reason to get Word is EndNote. (The main reason to get EndNote is Word, and sadly with collaborators, I haven't been able to break free of the cycle.)

Endnote X1 (or any current version) does not work with Word 2008 as it relies heavily on VBA. They are going to re-writing EndNote using applescript for Word 2008 but who knows when that will be released.
Conspiracy theory? MS is trying to kill the Mac, or keep it out of the business space.

Add to the list:
Word doesn't remember the size and position of the last open window. Open a Word doc. Move it to your preferred location on the screen and resize the window. Close it. Reopen it and all is forgotten. The document returns to its default size and position.

If Office 2008's menus are anything like Office 2004 and earlier, you might try Format -> Document -> Default, and see if that works to put new Word windows where you want them.

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008
Those lists are non-exhaustive. There are myriad other issues. Issues I have discovered to date (using microcrap office for less than a week): Word:
  • Bulleted items do not always honor the paragraph formatting settings.
  • clicking on a window does not activate the window, only clicking at the top of the window does.
  • Only first paragraph selected in an address is used in envelopes.
  • Does not always display contents of a table cell correctly. It is rendered invisible in one of my templates
  • Mailboxes do not update if they are selected. I have a rule that transfers messages from the inbox to other boxes. If I have one of the other boxes selected, it is not updated to reflect new transfers.
A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008
Ms Office 2008 For Mac Yosemite

In Word, form fields do not accept font formatting.

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008

Spaces compatibility got worse from 04 to 08
No background scrolling
The print preview isn't uniform with leopard

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008
Those last two aren't new. I'm guessing (I still have Office 04) that they also insist in having their own special dialog boxes that have an 'add extension' checkbox instead of a standard 'hide extension' checkbox.
On the other hand, I kind of like the Word print dialog box over the Leopard one because of the page range field, and non-Leopard users will still get a live print preview.
A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008

There appears to be a clipboard-related bug when copying/pasting from Word 2008 to Dreamweaver CS3.

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008

Another issue with Excel is that you can't create custom error bars. The UI element to select the custom ranges is simply gone !! That's absolutely unacceptable for scientific work!!!!

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008

Wow. This is truly pathetic. I mean I understand that the .DOC is pretty much a standard..and Word & PowerPoint are wildly popular if not the defacto standard for business..but hell! Look at the price you pay for software which doesn't even work. COMPLACENCY SHOULD NOT BE ACCEPTABLE! If I could just get one person to use an alternative or simply use Freeware alternatives/clones like NeoOffice or ThinkFree or OpenOffice.that would be a start.

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008

Well, somebody has to buy it, or we'll never get these lists of incompatibilities which, in my case at least, helped a lot. I will hang on to my clunky old Word X, which works with EndNote, and opens most of the dumb attachments I get from people too lazy or stupid to generate a pdf.
Apple should collaborate with the makers of EndNote or BookEnds or someone to integrate bibliographic software with Pages.

QuickLook/TextEdit for docx [was: A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008]

A bit off topic and really just a bit of amusement, but..
Most administrators at our school have their (completely text based!) memos emailed to faculty/staff as Word attachments. These attachments are now showing up in docx format. For me, the recalcitrant MacNut, I won't get Word to see their memos and I've given up trying to convince the admins and assistants that sending text as docx is wasting bandwidth and offering a macro-virus vector to everyone.
So, how do I view these 'important' documents - QuickLook does just fine with docx, and if a print is needed, then TextEdit handles it adequately.

QuickLook/TextEdit for docx [was: A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008]

Our administration does the same thing. But when the revolution comes, and the faculty take back the university and hang the last administrator with a Microsoft Itellimouse, we can then communicate via ascii text or at worst, pdfs.

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008

Word 2008 is incompatible with Spaces.The worst problem is that the file just disappears sometimes, and when it doesn't disappear, the cursor blink will disappear, giving the user no indication of where he/she is in the document. To continue to work with the file, one has to exit Word, re-boot the application, and open the file again. As a work around, I tried re-assigning Word to space one (which it seemed to move files to sometimes, whether I wanted it to or not; it was assigned to space two of four), and reboot the computer. It didn't help.

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008
If you ask microsoft, Spaces is incompatible with Office ;)
They claim it's Apples problem and (also they don't say it out loud) Apple is unwilling to fix it. Seems like no one wants to take the blame ..
See here:
or lengthy technical explanation from an engineer here
I wonder has anyone tried to convert VBA scripts into Ruby scripts, which then can be run on both platforms? I don't have any VBA macros for excel right now, but I read about replacing applescript with ruby and also see that a pc user has used ruby to script excel.
A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008

>As submitted, this hint listed every known issue in every Office 2008 application. I replaced
Viewing all the bugs is a real pain. There are four pages, each page has a bunch of drop down must-click items. If the original post contains the drop downs, please please post it here in the comments. It would surely help everyone.

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008

oops, there is a 'show all' button that shows the hidden details. But still, I wish we had the list right here where it won't go away.

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008

One thing you don't have mentioned here is the Flesch-Kincade readability statistics bug. Take a document and run the test on it in 2008; you'll get a near-100%/<0.5 grade level response for ANY document. Compare to 2004 and you'll see the difference. It's a known bug they've yet to address; I've been in touch with MS about it and I was the first to report the issue!

Ms Office 2008 For Mac Yosemite 2017

Create a Word 2007 document and insert a Section Break (Continuous page). Save the document. Now open it in Word 2008. The section break has now become a type of (Next Page). This inserts a blank page into the document at the point of the break.
Well, at least Word 2008 has real menus, eh?
Two things in this world aren't overrated: Macintosh and Lemon Meringue Pie.

Ms Office 2008 For Mac Yosemite 10

Nothing new there. Word 2004 does the same thing, even when copying and pasting within Word 2004 documents.
Cy Roton

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008

How's the new Entourage?
Mail *infuriatingly* closes the original when you begin a reply. And the labor of making a working link? I could strangle somebody. Entourage 2004, at least, does not of these silly things. Oh, Apple, why must you fail so on Mail.

Ms Office 2008 For Mac Yosemite Free

A list of known issues with Microsoft Office 2008